Please note: We will be CLOSED Sat. Oct. 5th. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Please note: We will be CLOSED Sat. Oct. 5th. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Woodwind & Brass Repair Services Available:
Woodwind Play Condition
This is considered normal maintenance for woodwind instruments. Because of time and use, all woodwinds develop leaks in the pads and go out of adjustment. This process will restore the instrument to its best playing condition. It includes thoroughly inspecting the instrument with leak light or feeler gauge to remove all leaks, reseating all pads, regulating key action, play testing, disinfecting the mouthpiece and cleaning the case.
This process should be done annually to keep your instrument functioning properly.
Removing key play, replacing pads, springs, tenon corks, removing dents, soldering and case repair supplied at an additional charge.
Woodwind Repad
This process could also be called a mechanical overhaul. When the pads on an instrument no longer hold their shape and cannot be positioned to form a complete seal, the instrument needs to be completely repadded. This includes chemically cleaning all keys and body, replacing all pads and keycorks, replacing springs where necessary, removing all dents, cleaning and oiling all hingerods and pivot screws, oiling wood bodies, adjusting and testing throughout, play testing, disinfecting mouthpiece and cleaning case.
**Vintage and silver plated saxophones subject to additional charges**
Brass Chemical Cleanings
All brass instruments need periodic cleaning with degreasing solvents to remove the old grease and oil and acids to remove the alkalines, sugars and other foreign material introduced to the instrument through normal use.
Symptoms of an instrument in need of this process are: slow or sticking valves, stuck slides or "red rot" appearing in the form of small red/pinkish spots usually near the mouthpipe.
The chemical cleaning process also includes polishing the inside of slide tubes, replacing springs, corks and felts where necessary, correctly aligning valves, lubricating and aligning slides, play testing, disinfecting and polishing mouthpiece and cleaning case. Silver instruments also receive a complete hand silver polish.
This process should be done annually to keep your instrument functioning properly.
Soldering, removing dents, new parts and case repair supplied at an additional charge.
Overhauls available, please call for estimate
**Sorry, we do not offer any guitar repair services**
Flathead WoodWind & Brass- providing the Flathead Valley with band & orchestra instrument sales, rentals, repair and accessories.
Band instrument repair is the main focus of my business and has been my sole profession since 1993.
I have also received training on orchestral string instruments and can now perform basic string instrument repair and maintenance as well.
Red Wing Technical College:
Graduate 1993 Band Instrument Repair. Student of Gene Beckwith (woodwinds) & John Huth (brass).
Yamaha factory:
May 2000. Studied woodwind, brass and percussion repair techniques specific to Yamaha band instruments.
(National Association of Professional Band Instrument Repair Technicians) member since 1993. I have attended several national conferences to receive training.
Mayville State University:
Graduate 1991 BS in Composite Music Education. Proficient on all woodwind & brass instruments.
NAPBIRT String University:
November 2006. Received training on general orchestral instrument repair and maintenance.
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